My obsession with Joan

My obsession with Joan of Arc began several years ago, after watching a movie called The Messenger. I grew up in an apostolic church, and witnessed spiritual things that could not be explained.  I still can't explain them, and in truth, I don't want them to be explained.  It's the mystery of it all that is intriguing to me.  To borrow a line from another movie, Minority Report, "Science has stolen most of our miracles"  Science has shown that some things can be proven, while other things cannot. In my opinion, a logical, and scientific explanation for something, doesn't make that something any less miraculous.

Joan was a teenager who fit the profile of a french folk tale. A maiden, a virgin, who would free France from her enemies.  Perhaps Joan was a bipolar, schizophrenic, hyper-religious child, who appeared at the right time, and in the right place. Or, maybe, as the common people of the time believed, she was sent by God to liberate France from English rule.

But guess what? WHO CARES!. Joan heard voices, which she believed was God speaking to her, then went to Chinon, and identified the future king of France Charles VII in a crowd of people, without ever having seen him before, and soon lead the french army to victory. 

Sometimes I hear people ask, how does God speak to us? Is it through others, directly to us, or not at all, and we are on our own?  Honestly, I don't think it makes any difference.  All I know is that when Joan heard the call, she picked up the phone. And that's where this album begins.

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